Thousands of Honour Avenue plaques sit poignantly against a backdrop of eucalypt trees in Kings Park, Western Australia. Each bears details of service personnel who died due to war service and were either buried overseas or have no known grave in Western Australia. Most of the names listed on the Honour Avenue plaques are also represented on the State War Memorial, also located in Kings Park.

An online database of the plaques has been made available to provide a representation of the information and aims to assist members of the public to locate specific dedication plaques. Photographs of each plaque are included on the database, in addition to a location map and opportunities for further research through service numbers. Visitors can see the individual plaques in situ using 'Street View' or find their way using Google maps when planning a visit to Kings Park.

To search for a person, enter text in the search field such as surname, first name, service number or plaque number. Additional search tools are available to narrow your search, including avenue, rank, unit and cause of death. Tips and Disclaimers will help with your search and results.

1924 records found

Plaque number Rank Name Service number Unit Cause of death Date of death
L100 FLGOFF Bown, Leslie Service number: 406094 Unit: RAAF 460 Sqn KIAKilled in Action on 28 Apr 1944
M63 LT Bowra, Frederick Service number: Officer Unit: 4 Fd Coy Engrs KIAKilled in Action on 29 Oct 1915
MW35A OS Bowron, Lawrence Service number: F3740 Unit: HMAS Canberra KIAKilled in Action on 9 Aug 1942
MW52A PTE Boxhorn, Kenneth Service number: WX12478 Unit: 2/6 Fd Pk Coy RAE DPOWDied as Prisoner of War on 17 May 1945
L400B PTE Boyes, Charles Service number: 323 Unit: 4 MG Coy KIAKilled in Action on 26 Sep 1917
L72 PTE Brackenridge, Douglas Service number: 4759 Unit: 48 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 6 Aug 1916
M508 PTE Brady, Edgar Service number: 709 Unit: 10 LH KIAKilled in Action on 7 Aug 1915
M508A PTE Brady, Ernest Service number: 2105 Unit: 28 Bn DOWDied of Wounds on 3 Mar 1917
M525B PTE Brandt, Peter Service number: 1891 Unit: 51 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 10 Jun 1917
M15 CAPT Brashaw, Joseph Service number: Officer Unit: 16 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 7 Aug 1915
MW64 PTE Braun, William Service number: 3277 Unit: 51 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 10 Jun 1917
M279B PTE Breakell, Stanley Service number: 2352 Unit: 28 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 3 Nov 1916
L409 FLGOFF Breed, John Service number: 415610 Unit: RAAF Att 196 Sqn RAF KIAKilled in Action on 10 May 1945
M298 PTE Bremner, Alfred Service number: 1116 Unit: 10 LH DOWDied of Wounds on 3 Jun 1918
M581 PTE Brenton-Coward, Edward Service number: 7709 Unit: 51 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 25 Apr 1918
M80 WO2 Brigatti, George Service number: 934 Unit: 28 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 20 May 1918
MW9A PTE Briggs, Francis Service number: 778 Unit: 12 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 25 Apr 1915
MW9 PTE Briggs, Frederick Service number: 2601A Unit: 51 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 5 Jul 1916
M697 PTE Brimson, Richard Service number: 3280 Unit: 11 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 9 Apr 1917
L369 AB Brindal, Clifton Service number: F4213 Unit: HMAS Leeuwin KIAKilled in Action on 29 Jun 1944