Thousands of Honour Avenue plaques sit poignantly against a backdrop of eucalypt trees in Kings Park, Western Australia. Each bears details of service personnel who died due to war service and were either buried overseas or have no known grave in Western Australia. Most of the names listed on the Honour Avenue plaques are also represented on the State War Memorial, also located in Kings Park.

An online database of the plaques has been made available to provide a representation of the information and aims to assist members of the public to locate specific dedication plaques. Photographs of each plaque are included on the database, in addition to a location map and opportunities for further research through service numbers. Visitors can see the individual plaques in situ using 'Street View' or find their way using Google maps when planning a visit to Kings Park.

To search for a person, enter text in the search field such as surname, first name, service number or plaque number. Additional search tools are available to narrow your search, including avenue, rank, unit and cause of death. Tips and Disclaimers will help with your search and results.

1924 records found

Plaque number Rank Name Service number Unit Cause of death Date of death
L427 Unit Association, Honour Plaque Service number: Unit: Fallen Comrades Subiaco RSL  
L427A Unit Association, Honour Plaque Service number: Unit: Fallen Comrades Highgate RSL  
L418 Unit Association, Honour Plaque Service number: Unit: 2/3 Fd Regt Aust Arty  
M360A SGT Uren, Alfred Service number: 1193 Unit: 3 Tunn Coy DOWDied of Wounds on 11 Aug 1918
M2A PTE Urry, Robert Service number: 2505 Unit: 11 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 6 Aug 1915
MW13 AB Utting, Peter Service number: F3485 Unit: HMAS Australia KIAKilled in Action on 6 Jan 1945
MW13B SGT Utting, Philip Service number: 36 Unit: 20 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 9 Oct 1917
MW13A LT Utting, Richard Service number: Officer Unit: SS Ceramic KIAKilled in Action on 7 Dec 1942
M658 PTE Vagg, Thomas Service number: 4910 Unit: 51 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 14 Aug 1916
M440 PTE Varian, Theo Service number: 279A Unit: 51 Bn DOWDied of Wounds on 6 May 1918
MC12 PTE Vercoe, George Service number: 4352 Unit: 28 Bn DOWDied of Wounds on 30 Aug 1916
L86 PTE Verge, Francis Service number: 3017 Unit: 28 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 3 Nov 1916
M326A PTE Villis, Leyshon Service number: 748 Unit: 10 LH KIAKilled in Action on 7 Aug 1915
L372A LT Vivian-Williams, Hurman Service number: WX3895 Unit: 2/16 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 8 Sep 1942
M701A LT Vowels, Philip Service number: 729 Unit: 11 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 11 May 1918
L103 PTE Waddell, John Service number: WX16257 Unit: 2/11 Bn DOINDied of Injuries on 17 Nov 1943
M766 PTE Wade, Francis (Frank) Service number: 13 Unit: 4 Bn DOWDied of Wounds on 29 Oct 1915
M175 PTE Wade, Hector Service number: 925 Unit: 44 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 30 Mar 1918
M152A PTE Walker, Alexander Service number: 2938 Unit: 48 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 6 Aug 1916
M198 WO2 Walker, George Service number: 2326 Unit: 28 Bn KIAKilled in Action on 1 Jun 1918