Plaque applications
Flags and bugler at plaque dedication service. Photo: D. NicolsonWe thank you for your interest in applying for a plaque for your loved one. Dedication ceremonies are held regularly each year for plaques approved by the Honour Avenues Group.
In keeping with the intention for the creation of the Honour Avenue in 1919 to be a place where Western Australians would have a place to individually honour their war dead, the eligibility criteria for new plaques are that the person to be honoured must:
- be born in, or raised in, or have enlisted from Western Australia;
- have no known grave or a grave outside Western Australia (i.e., the official memorial as determined by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission is located outside Western Australia); and
- have served with Australian or Allied Forces or with qualifying organisations as determined by the Australian War Memorial (AWM) and have died within the qualifying periods for the National Roll of Honour as determined by the AWM.
Once it has been determined that a new plaque is eligible, we undertake extensive background research to ensure plaque accuracy and that they are best represented during the dedication ceremony.
A nominal fee is payable to the Honour Avenues Group to fund new plaques and their maintenance. Plaques remain the property of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority.
Applications are matched by unit, squadron or ship to an existing plaque and placed beside that plaque at the same tree. If a suitable match cannot be found, then a vacant tree will be used. As there are no vacant trees available, they are obtained by relocating existing plaques by relation or service and placing them together at one tree.
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.
Prepare for your dedication service
Most services are conducted at May Circle, Kings Park but the location may change due to weather or other circumstances. We recommend comfortable formal wear for the occasion, appropriate for the weather. Chairs and umbrellas are permitted but please be mindful of other guests and be prepared to be placed at the rear or side of the gathered group. There is ample parking close by and a water fountain is available on site but please note that the nearest toilet facilities are approximately 1km away.
Nominated plaque recipients will be met by a representative of the Honour Avenues Group before the official service and introduced to the member who will be assisting them on the day.
Order of service
The order of service will generally include a welcome by the Master of Ceremonies (MC) and dedication prayer by our Chaplain. A brief history of each serviceperson will be read while the nominated plaque recipient formally receives the plaque from an official from both the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority and the Honour Avenues Group. Our photographer will be there to capture the moment and the images will be made available to families after the service.
After all recipients have received their plaques, our service will continue with a remembrance prayer, the act of remembrance and an ode to the fallen. The haunting notes of the 'Last Post' will be played by our bugler with a one minute silence before the 'Reveille'.
Following the closing address and Lord's prayer, families will be escorted to the allocated locations for plaque placement where our volunteers are happy to assist with further photographs. Images and details of the service will be made publicly available on this website shortly after each event.
Apply for a plaque
Please fill in the form below, providing any information you have available and we will contact you soon.